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with Dr Jodi Richardson
Between the pandemic, state of the world, economy and good ole perimenopause hormones, it’s understandable if you often feel anxious. Am I right?
But how do you know when what you feel is everyday anxiety or something that requires professional attention?
I invited Dr Jodi Richardson to the show to ask her exactly this, among other things. Jodi is an international speaker, the best-selling author of Anxious Kids and Anxious Mums and a respected media commentator in the wellbeing and parenting space.
Some of the things we talk about:
- what’s the difference between feeling anxious, and a clinical diagnosis;
- Jodi’s personal experience with anxiety and how it manifested from childhood and wasn’t diagnosed until her 20s;
- Â anxiety in children and adults;
- how anxiety can show up in physiological responses in the body;
- techniques and strategies to manage anxious feelings.
It’s a looooooong chat, but I think it’s a deserving subject. The more we know about anxiety, the better we can deal with it and improve our wellbeing.
It’s a subject that was once ignored or dismissed, but we can now recognise it’s a common feeling and something we can treat, whether it be the everyday variety, or a diagnosed illness.
I hope this conversation all about anxiety helps you or someone you love.
Find Jodi:
At her website here.
On Facebook here.
On Instagram here.
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