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with Julie Parker
In a world where the feminine is seen as weakness or weaker than the masculine, Julie Parker is opening a door for women to reclaim their sacred wisdom and follow the priestess path.
Julie is the Co-Founder of Priestess Temple School, host of the Priestess Podcast and now author of the book Priestess: Ancient Spiritual Wisdom for Modern Sacred Women.
She is a modern day priestess with a focus on her Celtic, Balkan, Iberian and Greek lineage, and is committed to contributing to a world where qualities of intuition, presence, social justice and service are honoured.
I was so excited to speak with Julie about her latest work and in this conversation we discuss how the ancient wisdom of women has been over-shadowed in a masculine-orientated and masculine-dominated world.
Julie explains how the Priestess path is a return to the sacredness of feminine wisdom and to live fully in the power of the divine feminine in the modern world.
Through this, women can show feminine leadership – Julie refers specifically to Jacinda Ardern as a great example of a Priestess in a leadership position – but also live more freely and happily in our feminine ways, whatever they may be.
Julie explains how thousands of years ago, these feminine traits – intuitiveness, caring and nurturing, healing and birthing – were respected and revered, and the priestesses doing the work of the Goddesses where no different to the priests as servants of the Gods.
It wasn’t until the spread of one God religion and invasions saw a changed narrative that diminished the power of women and the divine feminine that has led us to where we are today.
Julie brings ancient history into the modern world, and opens the door for those women called to reclaim their sacred feminine wisdom and power.
Connect with Julie via:
Her website
On Instagram
Order Julie’s book here.