new you

New Year, not a new you

It’s not even the end of January and I’m already exhausted. I’m exhausted by all the New Year, New You malarkey that has flooded my inbox and social feed. Everywhere …

middle age

Middle aged? My middle finger I am!

My little darlings informed me recently that I was ‘middle-aged’. While my brain screamed “WTF?” my mouth worded: “Excuse me?” Apparently the topic had been discussed in Miss 12’s Year …

Stop using the f-word

For a long time, over the past year or so, I’ve been trying not to use the f-word. Not that one. I say that all the time. Most likely I always …

is this all there is

Is this it? Is this all there is now?

Have you ever asked yourself that question – ‘is THIS it’? Is this all there is now? Secretly felt alarmed that your perfectly normal life is not fulfilling, doesn’t measure up …