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with Amanda Hampson
If you’ve ever worried about what you can achieve or do in midlife and beyond, this conversation with best-selling author Amanda Hampson should inspire you.
Amanda was 50 when her first novel was published, after a teenage pregnancy derailed her ambition to become a writer through a career in journalism.
She wrote her first novel The Olive Sisters while raising two small children, and now in her 60’s her 6th novel Lovebirds has just been released.
In this conversation, Amanda shares some of her life story, including being reunited with the son she gave up for adoption and running the New York Marathon with him (when she was in her late 50s!); how she suffered infertility issues before having her second and third children as an older mother; and how all of those life experiences as a woman, and as an older woman, lend details she uses in her novels.
I was so honoured to speak with Amanda, and so inspired by her achievements and the way she approaches life.
I’ve also enjoyed reading her novels – they feature a wide-range of characters, including older women who are all quite relatable. The novels make great weekend reading.
If you enjoy the conversation, please share it with other women who might also be inspired to continue to work on their dreams or live a bigger life after 50.
Find Amanda:
At her website here.
On Facebook here.
Buy Lovebirds here.
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