Well, some days, it’s like this: you reach for the clothes you had on yesterday because your entire wardrobe is in the dirty clothes basket in a backlog of washing. You …
When something has to give, let it
Sometimes, things just become too much. Life is busy, and for the most part, it’s a busy we can handle. But then a spanner comes along, and it’s not so …
A bored mother is not a happy one: why we need excitement in our lives
Is it possible that motherhood is not making you happy? Not that motherhood is making you unhappy. But that it, and the effort and time it takes to dedicate to the …
Books you must read for more health and happiness
One of the greatest joys in life are books and the opportunity to absorb information, lessons and beauty from them. Call me old-fashioned, but I love the feel of real …
The list you need to make this New Year
I try not to make grand declarations of goals and plans for the new year. Not because I have none – simply because I’ve had them for some time – …
Set some ‘Bare MiniMums’
This is without doubt my favourite time of year. It is for many mums, despite the workload, expense and chaos it sometimes brings with it, and that’s because when it …
How to create the life you want to live
Whatever it is you’re craving or desiring, achieving it all comes down to one thing. You either want it, or you don’t. Really, that’s it. It’s honestly not more complicated …
Perfectionism is fear by another name
This week, my daughter and I both learned a lesson in perfectionism and letting go. She’s not aware of it, but I am – her lessons are my lessons too, …
You haven’t lost your willpower – you just have decision fatigue
Want to know why you just couldn’t be bothered cooking dinner? Why you have lost the willpower to whip up something healthy and instead just choose something you know isn’t …
Stop using the f-word
For a long time, over the past year or so, I’ve been trying not to use the f-word. Not that one. I say that all the time. Most likely I always …
You’re not the only one to feel bad
Why is it that we always feel like we’re the only ones? That we’re alone in our struggles, doubts, anxieties and guilt? Because without a doubt … we are all …
Is this it? Is this all there is now?
Have you ever asked yourself that question – ‘is THIS it’? Is this all there is now? Secretly felt alarmed that your perfectly normal life is not fulfilling, doesn’t measure up …