embracing ageing

Embracing ageing: going grey, getting older and looking forward to the future (Episode #61)

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with Danielle Appi

How are you going embracing ageing?

Going grey and getting older is typically met with fear and resistance, but what if women began to embrace ageing and revel in all that come with it?

For this conversation, I called up a friend of mine, Danielle Appi, so we could have a chin wag about ageing and all that comes with it.

Dani is a former personal trainer who began to dabble in modeling after she turned 45 not as a career, but to be a presence for our age group in an area we seemed to not exist.

Like me, Dani became vocal on social media about women’s worth and value, particularly after 45 when society would have us believe we had little of either left.

Embracing ageing is something Dani certainly has done, with grace and openess.

Some of the topics we cover in this episode include:

  • the mindset of ageing – that we can choose to embrace ageing and the positives that come with it, rather than dread it;
  • being excited about the second half of life;
  • growing grey gracefully – the pros and cons of stopping dyeing your hair (or not) and the standards women are held to that men are not.

We both really want to encourage women to feel great about getting older and value themselves for who they are as individuals, regardless of what society’s messages would have us believe.

** Heads up: language warning. 

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