We’ve just had a cold snap hit here, so the past couple of days have been freezing. Well, freezing Gold Coast-style, which may not be arctic conditions, but it’s still …
The detox end that doesn’t end
My four week clean-eating detox is over, and yet, it’s not. Even though the official four weeks has past, I’m still pretty much maintaining the super healthy eating regime, bar …
Without doubt there will be tears tomorrow when my children present me with the collection of paper they have spent the better part of today turning into ‘Mother’s Day surprises’. …
Making it up as I go along (and a recipe)
One thing parenting has taught me is to improvise. Or make it up as I go along. It can be a disturbing way to go about life when you’re used …
How to get kids to eat healthy food
I’m asked this question a lot – how can I get the kids to eat good food? And my answer is always the same – just give it to them. …
Use your imagination to a better you
How do you see yourself? Who appears in your mind’s eye when you think about yourself? And what does she look like when you think about your best self? One …
Something good for the kids
Feeding the kids, or more accurately deciding what to feed the kids and then making it, consumes a large chunk of my time. I’m always on the look out for …
Lighten up Sunshine!
As a born worrier and someone who tends to live inside her own mind, I have a tendency to be too serious if I don’t watch it. All the time …
My sugar-free Anzac bickies
In honour of Anzac Day this week, I thought it a good time to share my sugar-free Anzac biscuit recipe. I make these almost every week for the kids lunch …
Detox series, part 4: strategies to get you through
[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”24″ size_format=”px” color=”#00aca1″] (Or how not to freak out and binge on chocolate after one day)[/typography] All you ever hear about detoxing is how hard it is and …
Detox series part 3: pantry items and a baby-steps version
If there’s one thing you want to do when attempting to clean up you food act, it’s attack the pantry and fridge. Get rid of all the bad stuff, especially …
Detox series part 2: What’s left to eat?
So, what do I eat on my month-long clean-eating reboot? Anything I want, provided it’s free of meat (first week only), dairy, gluten (first two weeks only), sugar, caffeine and …