My four week clean-eating detox is over, and yet, it’s not. Even though the official four weeks has past, I’m still pretty much maintaining the super healthy eating regime, bar …
Detox series part 3: pantry items and a baby-steps version
If there’s one thing you want to do when attempting to clean up you food act, it’s attack the pantry and fridge. Get rid of all the bad stuff, especially …
Detox series part 2: What’s left to eat?
So, what do I eat on my month-long clean-eating reboot? Anything I want, provided it’s free of meat (first week only), dairy, gluten (first two weeks only), sugar, caffeine and …
Detox series: first start with why
So, are you ready to party? Detox-style? No champers included I’m afraid, but lemon juice is on the menu. Friday will be Day One of a four-week clean-eats detox for …
Would you like to detox with me?
How did you go over Easter? Hopefully you had some lovely times with family and friends, enjoying some down time and fun time with the important people in your life. …